Sara Sundgren on LinkedIn: The Room Where It Happens | Pastor Tim Somers | Elevation Church (2024)

Sara Sundgren

There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

  • Report this post cultural content challenging message by pastor Tim - when we humble ourselves before God and fall at his feet - he can move in ways we could never expect.It was coming to the feet of Jesus that changed peoples life- the women with bleedings for 12 years spent everything she had on doctors and only grew worse. And it that culture a women like that was really outcast / misfit bcs of oppression of women in that context . But she did not care what people think: but thought for herself, If I can just touch the hem of the garment I will be healed. She was healed and delivered by Jesus. ..The forgotten power of honest real raw prayer in secret where there is real honest desperation- expectations God move in needs where there is no solutions.Tim speak about our tendency- social media phenomen- seek listen to others , while the power is go direct to Source /Jesus. To lots of pain today there is reductionisitic theory neglect experience, needs in context - but little of no understanding or empathy-so much trauma of neglect and apathy - create more anxiety, stress and meaningless suffering when presence and meeting needs : validation is solution- not broken systems and distant theories about x,y, z never get holistic understanding. Dont leave Jesus in any church or invalidated experience or meaningless toxic beliefs about what things mean. Jesus goes wherever there is faith. There is lots of dead situations and endless meaningless circ*mstances. But nothing is impossible to God. Realness. Humility. Maybe crying on our knees to Jesus- is the only way change lot of my own inherited deep seated intellectual arrogance and lack in my own walk w God. Each individual has so much needs of healing ,redemption and transformation - Only heartfelt intimacy seeking God in secret - to deal with what people cant - To prioritize wholehearted selfchosen boundaries- of daily surrender - to turn around much impossibility in the reality - much imblances - whether from secular chaos - cultural chaos or religious chaos- in the soul... Soul long for heal soul - meaning - wholeness -mercy and truth- love - trust relationship w self,God and people ... #Meaning #Soul #Choices #Redemption #GodLovesHumanBeings#Faith #Perception #HolisticPerspectives

The Room Where It Happens | Pastor Tim Somers | Elevation Church

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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

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    "You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And dont give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a cheerful giver. " Other translation say : "dont give grudgingly or out of necessity. " How many have learned give and receive is equally important? Truly listen to the bodys sensations and boundaries- clearly express unexpected needs when someone use control or shame try to silence your needs? Remain in your "no" when others wants your "yes". "Big hearted boundaries " talks about The false guilt trap - fear dissapoint others -Its not guilt but need confront painful feelings of needs of boundaries- that dissapointment is part of life and ones own needs worth more than feel bad show limits and needs. Stop expect others not able grow up take responsibility for their own pain - family for instance try you feel responsible to their wishes." Secure love " means the problem is not the problem between couples...The underlying problem is unmet needs of connection. How more or less emotional unavailable caregivers taught fear of rejection and pain - why many learned be unaware - emotional unconscious suffering - disconnect from feelings and needs as experience of intrusive , invaded ,invalidated or totally unexpected experience of caregivers. The unconscious exhaustion - invisible burden of stress of unfelt feelings deep stored in unconscious. Choose solve inner conflicts. Not pass on tragedy of hidden trauma- unconscious patterns of emotional unavailable caregivers - Resolve conflict of giving of agendas serve upperhand down dynamic instead of give and receive love in balance from conscious choice...Acceptance of true self and deal with reality of negative feelings is protection of body, mind, soul- free choice, authentic self, honesty - Gods heart- which protects from all kinds of abuse.Activate sensitivity listen to feelings and sense of safety is timeless. Connection to experience of free will on many levels seem to be human beings foundational need remain health and sanity IRL...Attachment to self , God and others : relationships cant be exchanged with Spiritual bypass or intellectual superiority- deny , avoid or invalidate need of attachment/emotional connection.." We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."~ Einstein. #Reflection #Balance #Soul #Perception #FreeWill #Sensitivity #Relationships

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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

    Bcs history of confusion, religion, powerstruggles and deception is how rhetoric of power- institutions like political power and church exchanged justice, mercy and humility w agendas serve upperhand down dynamic... Love is soulfood , all people has innermost beings created by the creator in his Image- fearfully and wonderfully made. Its only the inner parts choose freely- free will- no pressure from outside sources - only love creates safety- acceptance - connection - the truth and grace heartfelt intimacy w self , God and people intentionality of soulful belonging- detox all learned default from history value superficial behaviours - pretense - over authenticity and truth about real self and real needs...Back to simplicity takes choose better more mindful ways deal with culture conscious : The space in between filled with Spirit of truth in love - Jesus over stronghold of excuses , fears, lies , powerstruggles between sexes, competition , vanity hide and pretense , compenensate; lack of listening and understanding uncomfortable truth - Reflection - not excuses about not have time - Time is everything we have - Its choices that corrupt truth about why compassion and honesty is not prioritized in the space between: Just 1 minute of compassion can change someones day. Mercy and justice is no agenda- no stoicism...Unity and trust -real relationships and health is created from conscious choices, collaboration, companionship , compassion, cooperation , communication, cocreation...We often resist love bcs we are afraid of exposion and the uncertainty -even if its good - bcs brain seek homeostas- remain same - no matter good changes ... Intentionality in the space between- go outside comfort zones and not use excuses or use boundaries to create walls - but conscious presence move question - activate empowerment emphasis better values - nothing happens by itself- it takes time pay attention to ask new better questions. Reflect about whats taken for granted and re- frame perception and accept the whole person and the whole truth. God loves the whole person - cultural ideologys and toxic doctrines from theology resist accept the whole person create false perception of self, God and others. Personal faith and Jesu teachings is the opposite of seek a community or a context hold on to perception of human cultures of stagnation - tradition pass on past generations interpretstions, understandings and lack of understanding of genderequality and lots of problems..God is compassion and justice - why receive Gods compassion activate selfcompassion and boundaries- show compassion and boundaries is necessary heal restore relationship of faith,self and others.We need activate individual choicebased faith,delete all unconscious patterns of toxic controlling guilt:emotional manipulation of needs and boundaries in vague rhetoric serve others agendas- instead of mutual respect and choices.#Simplicity #Humanity #Reflect #CompassionofGod #TheSpaceInBetween #DetoxLies

    • Sara Sundgren on LinkedIn: The Room Where It Happens | Pastor Tim Somers | Elevation Church (4)
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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

    • Report this post behöver attitydförändring i kulturen i Sverige ändra människosyn integrera själ och kropp- få bort dold psykisk ohälsa som finns i alla rum och sfärer genom förstå det som händer i oss 8ch mellan oss i den kultur som skapar psykisk ohälsa. slu*ta spela med i dysfunktion och känna skuld och bita ihop för strukturer som ignorerar individer och är ändlösa problem .Idag strejkar hjärt och kärl på Huddinge och Solna. Det finns väl skäl. Människosyn blir alltmer rutten och utmattad i bedräglig retorik och tomma ord med politiker som använder maktmissbruk och diskurser från både historia av jantelag , offermentalitet, rädslor och religion som närt bristfällig ärlighet rätta till det som krävs och förstå kraften i fria valet, viljan och inte byråktratier som förnekar och undviker förstå jobbiga känslor och viktiga behov ta på allvar och ändra. Jesu lära om närvaro och medvetna val - Helig ande - Hjärtat är därifrån livet utgår och i den egna upplevelsen i kroppen- där själen , behov , känslor och tankar möter verkligheten- viljan och gränser är där vi måste reda ut svammel och skapa nya meningar . Inte gå runt levande döda och döva känslor för att ingå i nåt slags slaveri med manipulation och fasader upprätthålla falskhet och förställning serva orättvisa ledare och lögner om människovärdet. Utmattning är inte normalt - det finns gränslös ondska vägra ändra på det alla förstår, men bara några i toppen dirigerar. Hjärntvätt i samhället är lika stor som hjärntvätt i sekter. Det finns en gränslös kärlek och Guds ordning förstå att apati och cynism och ondska som inte ändras - men som människor förväntas böja sig under - förstör inte bara hälsan ,men ekonomi - ökar massa ondska och förstör framtidstro i ett land som Sverige. Att börja reflektera och meditera på egevärde - hur mycket invalidering av individens värde som är inbyggt i strukturer- och en Gud motsatsen döda kyrkor - det är Jesu ande.Medkänsla, sannig, livskänsla, självkänsla, rörelsefrihet och sunda förändringsprocesser. Kultur är nåt som skapas mellan oss. Emotionell manipulation förvirra individens behov och gränser i jante, rädsla, skuld ,maktvåld: attityder och gränslöst huka i ondska som format många lagar och regler - istället för förstå självvärdet : de med makt måste ta ägarskap: lyssna, ta på allvar - förändra strukturer med servanthood leadership- gå ner på den nivå där människor befinner sig förstå kontext: respektera auktoritet är kopplat med ansvar - Inte spel för fasader göra allt för pengar med girighet... Tacksamhet och medvetna val är motsatsen skylla på och fortsätta förtrycka sanning i gamla system , strukturer , synsätt, lagar och regler som förtrycker människor...#ÄndraKulturen #KroppOchSjäl#Musik #Soundmind #Närvaro #MedvetnaVal #DetMellanmänskliga #HeligAnde

    Sound Mind - Melissa Helser | Moment

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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

    • Report this post message of deep matters of the heart. Proverb 4:23 say " Above all else, guard your heart, bcs from it flows the issues of life. Stephanie say in another translation "issues" is translated to "boundaries". The boundaries of the heart is what God is after to protect love. Pastor Stephanie is really spot on why we need to do deep heart work : to cleanse our heart : to see God. When the enemy wants to limit your possibilitys in God , he seeks to contaminate the purity of your heart. The power of the heart. None ever hurt you from a place of love or wholeness. Now ,when a person hurts you, they are broken. And their brokeness open the door - it was a crack - to the enemy to fulfill his agenda. The person who hurts you is not your enemy. The Spirit that influenced that person is your enemy. God still has plans for that person. But there is a difference between forgiveness and reconcilation. Forgiveness has got to do with me. Reconcilation has got to do with both parties; That means : we are both in agreement concerning whats happened and we can walk this out in love together. Reconcilation is not for everybody. ..How unforgiveness is hell or leading us to hell. Because God is love. How unforgiveness and offense block pure heart and block lots of life and lots of blessings. We never fight people. We fight the Spirit behind why people do what they do. Jesus was very humble when he recognized the people he loved betray and killed him. He could have wiped them out, but chose to forgive knowing they did not understand what they were doing. There is a big difference of forgive and reconcile- bcs reconcile takes two parts. But to feel right remain unforgiving is really a poison destroying ourselves- not the other. If one given Lordship to Jesus one is never to remain in a callous unforgiven state. We do not fight people, but Satan try to kill , steal and destroy the life of abundance that Jesus came to give in love. There is consequences to all actions , but we are not judges- we need to trust God is just and work it out and deal with people.#Boundaries #Spiritualfreedom #DeepHeartWork #Forgiveness #Soul #Boundaries #Meaning #FaithInAction

    Guard Your Heart: The Boundaries of Life - Stephanie Ike Okafor

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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

    • Report this post of lyric : Tear down these Idols and every stronghold- tear down all judgement and all of my pride. Tear down religion and all my selfrightousness. I want an encounter - a real encounter. I say yes , yes to your love, yes to your freedom.I say yes God , yes to your heart and all of your healing. Your ways are higher, Lord I surrender, I come to you just as I am. I say yes, yes to Jesus. 🎶☀️🕊Last week I understand the meaning of Kim Smith Walkers lyric as I was confronted with a trauma of gaslighting and rulertechniques in higher education in rhetoric 7 years ago had me lose trust in authority in higher education- but powerabuse similar to religious powerabuse. ..Now was bcs of CSN wanted me proof a report of why I left studies as I seek move on after deal with lots of toxic bagage last years ...This was intense pain: I had to relive trauma - be scary close to patterns of gaslighting and narcissism - and the powerabuse from parents and religious hypocrisy play out in the political power struggle of rhetoric hierachy - the authority similar cultculture - but the silenceculture normalized and opposite the literature and the emphasised intentions of normcritic and justice seeking leftwing kind of...It was just before me too : when women was so marinated in silenceculture and hypocrisy in power and hierarchys society normalized for ages ..Saturday I started listen to audiobook Doing IMAGO relationship therapy - the Space between - inspired by Martin Buber and Viktor Frankls search for meaning. Freud released lots of pressure of women in society of his time by listening to women talk... But author mean Freuds conclusion that sexual pleasure is meaning to humanity is not true... If , the world would look different today as pleasure is everywhere; but little or no happiness... But Hendrix invite Frankls perspectives on humanitys search for meaning as true - and describe quantum physics as a totally different approach to self - not isolated but cocreated in relationships. .. What happen is not isolated in a self , or the inner world, but what happens between selfs in relationships is what changes the self. ..One must go further up to see ones problems from awareness to get another perspective... God, but also quantum physics seek relationships and reconcilation , not preserve lies , myths and uncomfortable truth about dysfunction and lots of toxic old habits normalized in reality...There are lots of people been under condemnation and silenceculture , cultlike states from all kind of walks in life that need redemption and healing and ways deal with rulertechniques turned around more sober with accountability ...#ChangeCulture#Reflection #Meditate #🎶 #Perception #Perspective #Conscious

    Kim Walker-Smith – I Say Yes (Official Live Video)

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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

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    Dikt av Ylva Eggehorn #Livet #Perception #Healing #Själen

    • Sara Sundgren on LinkedIn: The Room Where It Happens | Pastor Tim Somers | Elevation Church (9)
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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

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    Lyric starts with : In the midst of glory in the midst of wonder I wont take whats holy and treat it as familiarIn the midst of beauty In the midst of heavenI wont take for granted the power of surrender Kim taught me surrender my anger in worship...How do you deal with anger ? We all have pain in our soul. None is really an expert but on a journey.In "Scary close- dropping the act and find true intimacy " Donald Miller gets very authentic about his struggle w vulnerability. Probably we all have learned hide some parts of our true self bcs of shame or someone not want our true self. But if we put on a costume bcs of fears - lack of trust is keep us from being known - and from being ourselves and find true intimacy. ..The need of emotional true healing and raw vulnerability is not so much taught in lot of norms. Jesus is about intimacy - come exactly as you are -not get exhausted try to change your feelings or truth ...But drop our defences and receive and accept love and compassion...Not hide and pretend. Kim emphasis Jesus is not to be boxed in in church: "Thank you Jesus that Your presence does not sit boxed in a building that we call church...But that your presence is alive inside of us. And The whole point of what you did on the cross Jesus was that your presence would be carried out to the ends of the earth.Jesus that you cover this earth with your presence. And that every man, women and child , every knee would bow to your name Jesus..And that we would worship you with all that have and allt that we are bcs you are so good and so worthy and so deserving... There is nothing and none like your presence...If you dont know where to start- start with gratefulness. " #GospelMusictherapy#Humanity #Perception #Soul #FaithIsAnActivePersonalChoice

    Kim Walker-Smith – Never Gets Old (Official Live Video)

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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

    • Report this post real conversation between Caroline Leaf and Mattey Hussey on how deep familiar patterns around belief is hard to change in relationships. But for other reasons that is presented in selfdevelopment world . How lot of selfdevelopment world make people feel more stuck try lot of ideas that really is others concept. No formula : x y z is related to oneself but some standard why people feel worse...But how much your own curiousity of yourself knock down walls - From humility start question our own perception- Start experiment with selfawareness from vulnerability and selfcompassion...Not so much changing your beliefs - but mess with your current belief...My opinions; How important it is really value our feelings - The soul level is really abandoned and chronic ignored from Spiritual bypass mindset: intellectualize needs - rulertechniques and invalidation of self in political power use reductionisitic generalixing collective agendas as rules of religion and lot of systems in culture, church, society and lot of norms...#Reconstruct #EducationalPurpose#MindBodyconnection #Soul #Patterns #Compassion #Change

    Why do we stay in bad relationships? + how to get out of them
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  • Sara Sundgren

    There can be all kind of theories - but life is only changed by our choices in the now...Soul needs opposite of strongholds of hypocrisy.

    • Report this post lyric about shift and change culture and narcissism from myth of Christian religion in both culture and church. .."Shake up the ground of all my tradition, break down the walls of all my religion Your way is better".... ..Grace and truth moves / acts for change - heal restore - accountability- confront rulertechniques- not false hope in dead things. .." It is not by force nor strength, but by my Spirit say the LORD of Heavens armies. .." (Zech 4:6)#MakeRoom #Soul #Perspective #UpliftingMusic

    Kim Walker-Smith - Make Room

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Sara Sundgren on LinkedIn: The Room Where It Happens | Pastor Tim Somers | Elevation Church (14)

Sara Sundgren on LinkedIn: The Room Where It Happens | Pastor Tim Somers | Elevation Church (15)


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Sara Sundgren on LinkedIn: The Room Where It Happens | Pastor Tim Somers | Elevation Church (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.