Recipes to Include in a Low-Residue Diet Menu | (2025)

Recipes to Include in a Low-Residue Diet Menu | (1)

You can eat cheese on a low-fiber diet, which is why cheese and crackers makes a great snack.

Image Credit: tirc83/iStock/GettyImages

If you're recovering from surgery or treatment on your digestive tract or have a condition like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), your doctor may recommend a low-residue diet menu. This is an eating plan that's low in fiber, which reduces strain on your digestive system so it can heal.


Fiber is a nutrient that your body can't break down, and it's found in fruits, vegetables and grains, according to the Mayo Clinic. If your digestive system is functioning well, fiber is an essential nutrient that promotes good digestion. But if your GI tract is compromised, too much fiber can lead to irritation.

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Luckily, following a fiber-restricted diet can help. A typical low-residue, low-fiber diet contains 10 to 15 grams of fiber per day (for those without digestive concerns, the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended 22 to 34 grams per day), per the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).

Here's a sample low-residue diet menu to try, including low-residue recipes and low-fiber snacks to enjoy.

What Can You Eat on a Low-Fiber Diet?

Per the NLM, the best foods to eat on a low-fiber diet include low-residue foods like:

  • Dairy products like milk and yogurt
  • Refined grains like white bread and pasta
  • Certain low-fiber fruits and veggies, like bananas and lettuce
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Tofu
  • Nut butter
  • Oils


Kick off your day with a low-residue meal that fuels you while also going easy on the fiber. According to the Mayo Clinic, here are some foods to munch on in the morning:


  • Cornflakes with milk
  • White toast with smooth peanut butter
  • Fruit juice (as long as it doesn't contain pulp, according to the NLM)
  • Eggs, prepared your favorite way
  • Yogurt with skinless and seedless low-fiber fruit

You can also try one of these low-residue diet recipes:



Only follow a low-residue diet if your doctor recommends it, according to the NLM. These low-fiber diet menu examples can be restrictive, so work with a medical professional to make sure your nutritional needs are being met.

Lunch is a great time to load up on nutrients like protein and beneficial fats while still keeping your fiber intake low. According to the Mayo Clinic, here's some inspiration for your midday meal:

  • Turkey or chicken sandwich on white bread with mayonnaise and shredded lettuce
  • Smooth peanut butter sandwich on white bread
  • Tomato soup (as long as it doesn't contain pulp, seeds or skin)
  • Fish with white rice and low-fiber vegetables
  • White pasta with shrimp


For more specific soft, low-residue diet recipes, try:


Can You Eat Lettuce With Crohn's Disease?

If you have a form of IBD called Crohn's disease, you may benefit from eating foods that are low in fiber. And according to the NLM, small quantities of shredded lettuce are typically OK to eat. However, talk to your doctor to settle on a diet plan that works best for you and your symptoms.


Though a low-residue diet can be restrictive, there are still a number of options for your evening meal. According to the Mayo Clinic, you could eat:


  • Meat loaf
  • Mashed potatoes with butter
  • Cooked low-fiber vegetables
  • Fish or seafood
  • White rice or pasta with tofu

Here are additional recipes to include in your low-residue diet menu:



There's no reason to skimp on snacks in between meals just because you're sticking to a low-residue diet. Try one of these suggestions from the Mayo Clinic and the NLM:

  • Yogurt
  • Slices of cheese on white crackers
  • Applesauce
  • Pudding
  • Cottage cheese


Other good snack foods for a low-fiber diet include:

Snacks for Crohn's Disease

If you're following a low-fiber diet because you have Crohn's disease, these low-residue diet menu snacks should all be safe for you to eat, according to the Mayo Clinic and the NLM. That said, it's always best to talk to your doctor to determine the best eating plan for you.



Recipes to Include in a Low-Residue Diet Menu | (2025)


What foods are allowed on a low residue diet? ›

Foods Allowed on a Low Residue Diet
  • refined grain products like white breads, cereals, and pastas (look for less than 2g of fibre per serving on label)
  • white rice.
  • juices without pulp or seeds.
  • meats, fish, and eggs.
  • oil, margarine, butter, mayonnaise, and salad dressings.
Jun 9, 2020

Which of the following foods should be included in a low residue diet? ›

Softer foods like white bread, white rice, peeled fruits and veggies, and lean, tender meats are considered low in residue.

Can I eat hamburger on a low residue diet? ›

While you're on a low-residue diet, strictly limit your intake of fiber from grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. Ground meat like hamburger is allowed, though you should be careful to cook it in a way that puts the least amount of strain on your digestive system.

Can you eat macaroni and cheese on a low residue diet? ›

A. Yes, you can eat macaroni on a low-residue diet. Macaroni and cheese are both low-residue products. But if you plan to eat out, ensure you do not include any other fibre-containing food product in your macaroni and cheese.

Are scrambled eggs low in residue? ›

Foods To Include:

Eggs: soft, baked, boiled or hard. Scrambled, poached or souffle. Potatoes: boiled, baked, creamed, mashed.

What seasonings can you have on a low-residue diet? ›

  • Salt, mild herbs and flavorings, such as vanilla, cinnamon and paprika.
  • Mildly flavored gravies and sauces.
  • Lemon juice.
  • non-nutritive sweeteners.

Can I eat salad on a low-residue diet? ›

You may include small amounts of raw vegetables like shredded lettuce or skinless, seedless cucumber. Dairy: You can include small amounts of dairy like milk or yogurt. Beverages: It may be necessary to drink additional fluids to avoid constipation.

Are mashed potatoes low in fiber? ›

Low-fiber foods, including mashed potatoes, slow your rate of digestion, decrease the...

Is rotisserie chicken low in fiber? ›

Meat, chicken, turkey, fish and dairy products do not contain dietary fiber. However, avoid tough meats because they may be difficult to digest. Keep in mind: Your clinician may recommend a daily multivitamin because of the limits of a low-fiber diet.

Can I eat salsa on a low-residue diet? ›

Any on not allowed list; jam, marmalade, fruit preserves, plain chocolate. Chili pepper, curry powder, cloves, seed spices, coconut, horseradish, popcorn, pickles, salsa, relish, chutney, all seeds such as poppy, sesame and caraway.

Is spaghetti sauce low-residue? ›

The following vegetables can be eaten on a low-residue diet:

Tomato sauce (no seeds)

What are the top 10 low fiber foods? ›

Choose these foods:
  • Tender meat, fish and poultry, ham, bacon, shellfish, and lunch meat.
  • Eggs, tofu and creamy peanut butter.
  • Dairy products if tolerated.
  • White rice and pasta.
  • Baked goods made with refined wheat or rye flour, such as bread, biscuits, pancakes, waffles, bagels, saltines and graham crackers.

Can you eat pancakes on a low-residue diet? ›

They leave the least residue, which results in less stool. This lets the intestine rest. What to choose: White bread, biscuits, muffins, and rolls; plain crackers; white pasta; white rice; cream of wheat; grits; white pancakes; cornflakes; cooked potatoes without skin.

What foods produce the least feces? ›

Examples of low-fiber, low-residue foods include the following:
  • White bread with no nuts or seeds.
  • White rice.
  • Refined cereals and pasta.
  • Vegetables, without skin or seeds that are well-cooked.
  • Fresh fruits including ripe bananas, cantaloupe, apricots, honeydew, papaya, peach, plums, and watermelon.
Jul 8, 2024

Can I eat tortilla chips on a low-residue diet? ›

Popcorn, tortilla chips, Bombay mix, Twiglets®, cereal bars chocolates or sweets containing dried fruit/nuts/coconut. Spreads Jam, marmalade, honey, marmite, lemon curd Hummus and nut butters (including peanut butter). Aim to have a regular meal pattern and include foods from all food groups.

Can you eat peanut butter on a low-residue diet? ›

5-7 ounces/day Tender, broiled, stewed or creamed roast beef, veal, lamb, pork, ham, poultry, fish, chopped clams, oysters, liver, kidneys Cheeses: cream cheese, cottage, American, cheddar, Swiss or jack cheese Smooth peanut butter Fried meats, fish, or poultry; meats highly seasoned or containing whole spices; sausage ...

Can I eat oatmeal on a low-residue diet? ›

What can I eat? ◦ Avoid whole grain or bread with seeds • Plain crackers, such as saltines • Cooked cereal such as cream of wheat or grits. ◦ Avoid oatmeal, bran and whole wheat cereals. Cold cereal such as Special K, Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes.

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