Monkeys as Pets: Guidelines and Basic Tips (2025)

What you need to know

By Janhvi Johorey, Psychologist specialized in animal therapy. May 24, 2017

Monkeys as Pets: Guidelines and Basic Tips (2)

The jury's still out on whether having a pet monkey is a good idea or a violation of basic rights of the animals to freedom of movement and existence. Keeping a pet monkey is a big commitment and no, it's not as simple as running off to a pet store and getting a simian friend for life.

Monkeys belong to the primate order. It is a generic name that includes the New World monkeys from Central and South America, which tend to be quite small, and the larger tree-dwelling Old World monkeys, found in Asia and Africa. Each of these monkeys is unique and this influences whether they will make good pets.

If you're wondering whether you can keep monkeys as pets, stay with us at AnimalWised. We'll give you some guidelines and basic tips to help you make up your mind.

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  1. Can you keep monkeys as pets?
  2. What are monkeys in captivity like?
  3. Is it legal to keep monkeys as pets?
  4. Adopting a pet monkey
  5. What do monkeys in captivity need?
  6. Should monkeys be kept as pets?

Can you keep monkeys as pets?

Squirrel monkeys, spider monkeys, macaques, and capuchins are just some of the monkey species that people consider keeping as pets. Another common monkey to consider is the marmoset; if that's what you were thinking about, take a look at our article on marmosets as pets for specific guidance.

Sociable yet nervous, monkeys need a lot of space. Although all monkeys have roughly the same basic requirements, larger monkeys obviously need more room. Bringing a monkey into your house is a massive commitment because unlike cats and dogs, they cannot be left alone for long periods of time.

What are monkeys in captivity like?

Once your pet monkey develops a close attachment to you, they will follow you everywhere. Remember that monkeys have a much longer lifespan than other animals. The average life expectancy of a monkey in captivity is of around 20 to 40 years, although it depends on the species. Keeping monkeys as pets is the commitment of a lifetime.

Once they become mature, the behavior of captive monkeys can become unpredictable. Remember this when you are thinking of adopting a pet monkey. Monkeys tend to bond with some people only and might start developing negative reactions to your close companions.

That said, once you decide you have the interest, commitment, resources and temperament to handle a pet monkey, you can definitely go ahead, because they are incredibly affectionate, intelligent and endearing animals.

Monkeys as Pets: Guidelines and Basic Tips (3)

Is it legal to keep monkeys as pets?

It is also important to check if keeping a pet monkey is allowed in your state or country. More countries and states are passing laws to protect primates and bear in mind that it is illegal to carry your pet monkey into the US. Traveling abroad with a pet monkey is also a strict no-no. Monkeys are sensitive creatures and they can get easily unsettled with displacement.

Adopting a pet monkey

Look for a breeder with a humane reputation, and check exotic animal shelters. Do your research and check if they have the permit to keep and give monkeys for adoption. Check the monkey's health record and behavior before taking on the commitment.

Make sure you have a connection and find an exotic animal veterinary doctor to care for your pet. Regular vets will not be able to care for your monkey.

What do monkeys in captivity need?

Build or purchase a monkey cage that is large enough for your pet monkey to enjoy freedom of movement - the specific size will depend on the particular species. All monkeys need plenty of space to run, explore and play with themselves and others. Small cages can make the animal feel aggressive and suffocated. Be sure to follow regulations that make it easy to save the animal from an unsavory experience.

The diet for a pet monkey will depend on their species, as some monkeys are omnivores and others are exclusively herbivores. In general, fruits, veggies and clean water are a must. Specialized stores also sell commercial food for monkeys, including monkey biscuits.

Other items to feed your monkey can include cooked, mild chicken, mealworms, grasshoppers, boiled eggs, curd, rice, nuts, and grains. Sugary treats, ice cream, junk food or raw meat should never ever be fed to a monkey. Extra vitamins may be needed to keep your pet healthy. Ask your vet for advice.

Monkeys as Pets: Guidelines and Basic Tips (4)

Should monkeys be kept as pets?

Some of the reasons why the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) does not advocate keeping primates as pets is their lifestyle, dietary patterns, environmental needs and other medical factors. Therefore, here at AnimalWised we must state that you shouldn't keep monkeys as pets.

Monkeys need plenty of space to be happy and healthy. Even when born in captivity, they need to stay with their species and live in similar conditions to those in the wild as much as possible. Forests or urban jungles, the best place for a monkey is a free one. Pet monkeys eventually outgrow their owners, according to many animal experts. Don't jail a monkey for life, it deserves to be free. Consider this before you take on a monkey for a pet.

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Monkeys as Pets: Guidelines and Basic Tips (2025)


How to take care of a monkey as a pet? ›

Monkeys need a large, secure enclosure, which can be expensive to construct. They should spend time outdoors if possible. And they must be provided with a wide variety of ever-changing toys and exercise equipment to keep them challenged or they will suffer from boredom.

What are the basic needs of a monkey? ›

Natural daylight for primates

Generally, all primates should have access to natural daylight for proper conversion of pro-vitamin D2 to vitamin D3. Nocturnal primates may not get enough sunlight and therefore their diet may need to include vitamin D3 supplements.

Is it okay to have a monkey as a pet? ›

Most primatologists and primatological organizations are strongly against keeping primates as pets. The reasons are numerous: Many primates are endangered and it is illegal to keep them as pets or even in captivity. Many primates are taken illegally from their families and habitats in the wild and sold illegally.

What are the considerations for a pet monkey? ›

Whatever a breeder may tell you, primates need specialised diets and access to the outdoors. Health problems – primates need specialist vets, which can be expensive and hard to find. Diseases can also spread between primates and humans. Herpes and measles can be fatal to primates.

What not to do to a monkey? ›

Don't yell at, sing to, tease or heckle the monkey. Avoid any postures that would seem aggressive to a fellow human being and keep your motions minimal. Being aggressive will only get you attacked. Be careful when taking pictures.

How often do you bathe a pet monkey? ›

Every month or so, wash your monkey with a mild shampoo designated for human hair, being careful not to get soap in their eyes. Rinse soap thoroughly, then dry your capuchin with a soft towel or hair dryer set to low heat.

What are the three monkey rules? ›

They are identified with a proverbial saying, 'See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil', first recorded in 1926 and now generally used sarcastically against those who, through selfishness or cowardice, choose to ignore some wrongdoing.

How do you keep a monkey happy? ›

Spend quality time with your pet monkey, engaging in gentle play, grooming, and bonding activities. If possible, consider introducing your marmoset to a compatible monkey companion to fulfill their social needs. Encourage Natural Foraging Behavior: Marmosets are natural foragers.

What do monkeys love the most? ›

Monkeys probably don't know much about nutrition, but they know they love bananas. Why? It's probably because bananas tend to grow in the hot, tropical areas where monkeys usually live. They're a convenient source of food that provides a lot of nutrients in a small package.

What smell do monkeys hate? ›

The chemical Capsaicincontained in chilli is an excellent repellent against monkeys, squirrels, and some other wild animals. Farmers who grow chilli will also benefit from an extra source of income.

Why can't monkeys be potty trained? ›

Sometimes, younger monkeys can be partially potty trained, but they lose that ability as they mature. In addition, as they're attempting to potty train, they tend to throw their poop and play with their pee. Because of this, pet monkeys have to wear diapers throughout their lives.

What kind of monkey makes the best pet? ›

Guenon. These 10-pound monkeys hail from the forests of sub-Saharan Africa and can live up to 25 years in captivity. Guenons are also high maintenance. There are almost two dozen species of guenons; the green monkey, vervet, and grivet are the most popular species kept as pets.

What to know before owning a monkey? ›

  • Legal Complexities: It is critical to comprehend the complex legal requirements regarding exotic animal ownership before considering keeping a pet monkey. ...
  • Safety Concerns: ...
  • Training Challenges: ...
  • Incompatibility with Household: ...
  • High Maintenance and Specialized Care: ...
  • Long Lifespan: ...
  • Zoonotic Diseases: ...
  • Health Risks:
Aug 24, 2023

Are monkeys hard to take care of? ›

All primates, big and small, have complex social, physical and psychological needs that require expert care. Monkeys are social creatures that require constant interaction with their own species as part of a large group. They need space to climb and play, a proper diet, and lots of mental stimulation.

Do monkeys like to cuddle? ›

This confirmed that macaques use nighttime cuddling to fight off the chill. The researcher also saw that if two macaques hung out and groomed each other during the day, they were more likely to huddle together at night. And they saw that monkeys who had more grooming partners also slept in bigger huddles.

How hard is it to take care of monkeys? ›

Very hard. Caring for a monkey presents the same challenges as caring for a great ape. People may choose to purchase a pet monkey out of empathy and love for the animal, but their misguided actions lead to a traumatic life for the creature they sought to care for.

Are monkeys high maintenance? ›

Monkeys are quite demanding in terms of care and attention. They have particular food and environmental requirements, which can be difficult and expensive to satisfy. For their wellbeing, appropriate shelter, enrichment, and mental stimulation are crucial.

What do you feed a pet monkey? ›

Commercially available dry pellets containing the necessary nutritional components of their diet should be supplemented with a variety of other foods:
  • fresh and dried fruit.
  • vegetables.
  • seeds and nuts.
  • animal protein (e.g. insects, mealworms, boiled chicken and hard boiled eggs)

Can I keep a monkey in my house? ›

States with Outright Bans to Own a Monkey in US

This category includes: Northeast: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. West: Washington, Utah, Colorado, California, Hawaii.

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