Mobafire Diana (2024)

Are you ready to harness the power of the moon and dominate the battlefield in League of Legends? Look no further than Diana, the Scorn of the Moon, whose potential knows no bounds when wielded by a skilled summoner. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the depths of Mobafire Diana builds, strategies, and tips to help you unleash her full potential.

Understanding Diana: The Scorn of the Moon

Diana is a versatile champion who excels in both the mid lane and jungle roles. With her lunar powers and agile movements, she can swiftly dispatch enemies and control the pace of the game. Her kit revolves around dealing burst damage, engaging in fights, and disrupting enemy formations.

The Power of the Moon: Diana's Abilities

  1. Moonsilver Blade (Passive): Diana's basic attacks cleave nearby enemies and deal bonus magic damage. This passive enhances her dueling potential and wave-clearing capabilities.

  2. Crescent Strike (Q): This skillshot ability sends out a crescent-shaped wave that damages and reveals enemies hit. It's essential for poking enemies in lane and setting up engages.

  3. Pale Cascade (W): Diana summons three orbs that orbit her, shielding her from damage and detonating upon contact with enemies, dealing magic damage. Properly timing this ability can mitigate damage and turn the tide of battles.

  4. Lunar Rush (E): Diana dashes to an enemy target, dealing magic damage and applying Moonlight, which reduces the cooldown of her ultimate. It's a crucial tool for closing the gap between enemies and securing kills.

  5. Moonfall (R): Diana unleashes a gravitational pull, drawing in and damaging nearby enemies before pulling herself to the center. This ability is perfect for initiating team fights or catching out-of-position foes.

Mastering Mobafire Diana Builds

Now that you understand Diana's kit, it's time to explore the various builds available on Mobafire. Whether you prefer burst damage, sustained damage, or tankiness, there's a build tailored to your playstyle.

Burst Assassin Build

  • Items: Start with Doran's Ring and rush Hextech Rocketbelt for mobility and burst. Follow up with Lich Bane for additional burst damage and Zhonya's Hourglass for survivability.

  • Runes: Electrocute for burst damage, followed by Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. Take Manaflow Band and Transcendence for added mana sustain and cooldown reduction.

Tanky Bruiser Build

  • Items: Begin with Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion and build towards Rod of Ages for health and mana sustain. Incorporate items like Nashor's Tooth for attack speed and Banshee's Veil for magic resist.

  • Runes: Opt for Conqueror for extended fights, coupled with Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand. Secondary runes can include Bone Plating and Revitalize for added survivability.

Strategies for Success: Tips and Tricks

  • Farming Efficiency: Focus on last-hitting minions early to secure gold and experience. Use Diana's abilities to quickly clear waves and roam to other lanes for kills or objectives.

  • Roaming and Ganking: Diana's mobility makes her an excellent roamer. Coordinate with your team to set up ganks in other lanes and secure kills for your allies.

  • Objective Control: Use Diana's burst damage to secure neutral objectives like dragons and Rift Herald. Control vision around objectives to deny the enemy team information and secure easy takedowns.


In the hands of a skilled player, Diana can be a force to be reckoned with on the Rift. By mastering her abilities, experimenting with different builds, and employing strategic gameplay, you can ascend to new heights of power and dominance. So, embrace the power of the moon, and let Diana guide you to victory in League of Legends.


1. What is Diana's role in a team composition? Diana can fulfill various roles depending on the team's needs. She excels as an assassin, diving into the backline to eliminate high-priority targets, but she can also function as a bruiser or even a frontline tank in certain situations.

2. How do I deal with Diana's mana issues in the early game? Managing Diana's mana can be challenging, especially in the early game. Start with items like Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion to sustain your mana pool, and focus on last-hitting minions to conserve mana for crucial engagements.

3. What are Diana's biggest strengths and weaknesses? Diana's strengths lie in her burst damage, mobility, and ability to snowball leads. However, she can be susceptible to crowd control and burst damage herself, so positioning and timing are crucial to her success.

4. What is the best combo for maximizing Diana's damage output? For maximum burst damage, lead with Crescent Strike (Q) to apply Moonlight, then use Lunar Rush (E) to dash to your target and trigger the reset on your ultimate, Moonfall (R). Follow up with basic attacks and Pale Cascade (W) detonations to maximize your damage output.

5. How can I improve my Diana gameplay? Practice makes perfect when it comes to mastering Diana. Focus on improving your skillshot accuracy with Crescent Strike, timing your engages and disengages effectively, and learning from each game to refine your strategy and decision-making.

Mobafire Diana (2024)
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