Conan Exiles Tiger Cub (2024)

Have you ever roamed the vast deserts and treacherous landscapes of Conan Exiles, yearning for a loyal companion to accompany you on your adventures? Look no further, for the majestic tiger cub awaits! In this guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about the Conan Exiles tiger cub, from its origins to how to obtain and raise one, and the benefits of having this fierce feline by your side.

Unveiling the Tiger Cub

In the unforgiving world of Conan Exiles, where survival is paramount, the tiger cub stands out as a formidable ally. These magnificent creatures exude strength, agility, and an unrivaled hunting prowess, making them invaluable companions in your quest for dominance.

Origins of the Tiger Cub

Tiger cubs are native to the lush jungles and dense forests of the Exiled Lands. Born into a world teeming with danger, they learn to navigate their surroundings swiftly, honing their skills as apex predators from a tender age.

Obtaining Your Tiger Cub

Acquiring a tiger cub in Conan Exiles requires patience, determination, and a keen eye for opportunity. These elusive creatures can often be found prowling the wilderness, their striped coats blending seamlessly with the foliage.

To capture a tiger cub, one must employ cunning tactics. Utilize traps or tranquilizing arrows to incapacitate the cub without causing harm. Once subdued, handle the cub with care, for their wild nature demands respect.

Raising Your Feline Companion

Now that you've obtained a tiger cub, the real adventure begins. Raising a tiger cub in Conan Exiles is no small feat, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Provide ample food and shelter for your cub, ensuring its growth and well-being.

As your tiger cub matures, it will develop into a fearsome predator, loyal to its master. Train it in the art of combat, and watch proudly as it becomes an indispensable asset in your battles against the savage creatures that roam the Exiled Lands.

Benefits of Having a Tiger Cub

Having a tiger cub by your side offers a multitude of benefits. Not only does it provide protection and companionship, but its presence also instills fear in your enemies. Few adversaries dare to challenge a warrior accompanied by such a majestic beast.


In the harsh world of Conan Exiles, where survival is a constant struggle, the tiger cub emerges as a symbol of strength and resilience. By nurturing and raising one of these magnificent creatures, you forge a bond that transcends words—a bond built on trust, loyalty, and the shared desire to conquer the untamed wilderness.

FAQs About Conan Exiles Tiger Cub

1. How long does it take to raise a tiger cub in Conan Exiles? Raising a tiger cub to maturity typically takes several in-game days, depending on the server settings and the care provided.

2. Can tiger cubs be bred in Conan Exiles? No, tiger cubs cannot be bred in Conan Exiles. They must be captured from the wild.

3. Are tiger cubs aggressive towards players? No, tiger cubs raised from a young age will not be aggressive towards their owners. However, they will attack hostile creatures and enemies on command.

4. What is the best way to train a tiger cub for combat? The best way to train a tiger cub for combat is through consistent practice and reinforcement of desired behaviors using treats and positive reinforcement.

5. Can tiger cubs be used for transportation in Conan Exiles? While tiger cubs cannot be ridden like horses or camels, they can accompany players on foot and assist in combat and hunting activities.

Conan Exiles Tiger Cub (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.