$40 1 Step TB Skin Test PPD Test Near Me and 2 step TB Test For TB $80 (2024)

Welcome to Statcare – The PPD Test Experts! At Statcare, we perform PPD Testing for tuberculosis (TB) on a walk-in basis, all 7 days a week. We do more TB Screening Tests than anyone in NYC or Long Island and at a lower price than CVS or Walgreens. Find a Statcare near you and get the test injected by a medical provider, not a pharmacist. In our FAQ’s you will find answers to all questions re: the role of skin testing for tuberculosis.

$40 1 Step TB Skin Test PPD Test Near Me and 2 step TB Test For TB $80 (1)

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Why choose Statcare for PPD Test & 2-Step PPD Test?

PPD testing requires 2 visits 48-72 hours apart. Statcare is open 7 days a week so you don’t have to worry if you need to have the PPD read on a weekend or a holiday.

Statcare’s location in Brooklyn is open until 9 PM on weekdays. All other locations (Bronx, Queens, and Long Island) are open until 8 PM on weekdays, 5 PM on weekends, and open on all holidays. Statcare is open 365 days a year for TB testing. There is no facility as convenient for working folks or students looking to get a PPD test for TB done.

At Statcare a PPD visit barely takes 10 minutes and when you return for a reading, it takes even less time. Statcare provides the PPD forms too!

Lowest Cost PPD Test NYC

How much does a TB test cost?

A TB test costs $50 for a regular 1 step TB skin test and $100 for 2-step PPD. The regular PPD includes 2 visits and the 2-step PPD includes 4 visits to any Statcare location ($20/visit). For example, CVS charges $56 for the same test ($28 each visit). And if you have positive TB skin tests, you need to find another place to get a Chest X-Ray whereas Statcare performs Chest X-Rays on-site.

If your PPD testing result is truly positive as per our doctor and you need a Chest X-Ray, we can do the X-Ray on site. Other medical offices will send you somewhere else for the Chest X-Ray (another trip to a new facility). And don’t be surprised if your Chest X-ray report there recommends a CT Scan to be sure your lungs are normal.

Want to avoid this runaround? Come to Statcare – the PPD Testing experts! Statcare professionals know what they are doing and even our radiologists are excellent at reading your Chest X-Ray – they will not recommend unnecessary CT Scans.

Also, if you have a form that needs other things done (blood test, MMR titers, vaccines, or hearing tests and vision tests), we do them all!

Healthcare professionals count on Statcare

Statcare is accredited by The Joint Commission that accredits hospitals in the US. When you come to us, you can count on quality!

Any wonder why all healthcare professionals count on Statcare?

Get your PPD test for TB done today!

Statcare is also a CDC-certified Travel Clinic and sees patients from all countries. We understand issues with BCG vaccines and the prevalence of tuberculosis in those countries that may affect your test result interpretation.

If you are worried about a possible exposure and a potential reaction to the TB bacteria, call to schedule an appointment to get tested.

If you are getting the PPD for immigration, Statcare civil surgeons are certified by the Department of Homeland Security USCIS for performing immigration medical exams for Green Card and US citizenship.

If you or your family member runs or works in a daycare in NYC and need a PPD for daycare, come to Statcare – we fill out those forms all the time!

Statcare is a trusted name among nurses and hospital employees when it comes to PPD testing and annual pre-employment physicals.

If you know your schedule, call us after 8 AM and book your visit now! Call (917) 310-337

Going away to college and need PPD Testing? Have a pre-employment form? Statcare can take care of anything else that may be needed on that form (such as a urinalysis, vision test, audiometry, blood test for MMR titers, or a vaccine). Other places may not have the infrastructure or the resources to do these tests. Statcare does. All 7 days a week!

We are open 365 days a year for PPD testing at all our locations inHicksville, Long Island;Astoria, Queens;Brooklyn, NYC;the Bronx at Bartow Avenue(Co-op City);the Bronx at E. 174th Street;Jackson Heights, the Queen;StuyTown in ManhattanandJamaica, Queens.

Come to Statcare for PPD test – 7 days a week

PPD Tests 365 days a year, including weekends and all holidays!

Statcare serves the Long Island residents of Nassau County, Suffolk County, Queens, and Brooklyn, as well as the Bronx in NYC. If you have any questions about any conditions we treat or services we offer, call (917) 310-3371 today.


PPD Test, TB Skin Test, Tuberculin Test FAQ

A PPD Test is a skin test that uses purified protein derivative (PPD). The PPD Test determines if you have been exposed to tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis is a disease that you get from inhaling air exhaled by a person who was infected with TB. It is NOT a diagnostic test and does NOT confirm that you have the disease. It only shows prior exposure. Tuberculosis is a chronic lung infection, caused by a slow growing bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

PPD stands for purified protein derivative.

The purpose of the PPD screening test is to diagnose exposure to tuberculosis (TB), a common problem in NYC.

An annual PPD is required for everyone working in NYC Housing Department, NYC Office of Mental Health, NYC public schools, and colleges because exposure to TB is a risk in a cosmopolitan city like NYC where immigrants from all over the world come to live.

PPD screening is also done by healthcare facilities like hospitals, labs, home health agencies, and nursing homes to screen for exposure to TB.

For non-healthcare professionals, a PPD screening test may be required as part of a pre-employment physical or as an annual PPD screening for exposure to tuberculosis.

A PPD is almost like a skin allergy test that identifies if your body has seen the tuberculin protein from an exposure to TB. It is a special test required by employers, health care facilities, day care centers, schools, and colleges.

Come to Statcare for your PPD because a PPD needs to be done correctly. A special fine syringe is used to inject the tuberculin into the skin. The tuberculin has to be injected intradermally (within the layers of the skin) and not subcutaneously (a common mistake that gives erroneous results). It is important to get it done right because once you have it done incorrectly, you cannot change the fact that your test showed that you were exposed to the PPD protein.

A 2-step PPD is the same PPD repeated again and is considered to be a far better screening test for exposure to tuberculosis.

There is no preparation required for this test. It is a common mistake to think that the PPD test can be done in one visit. You will need two separate visits to Statcare for completing the PPD test.

At the first visit, the health care provider will clean the skin of your forearm. Then, using a small PPD syringe, the provider will inject about 0.1 ml or 5 tuberculin units of the PPD protein into the skin. The needle is gently placed under the top layer of skin, causing a small bump (welt) to form. This raised bump will go away within a few hours as the tuberculin gets absorbed. Once you reach home, you may peel off the bandage and are free to shower and bathe.

There is a very small chance that some folks will have a severe redness and swelling of the skin where the tuberculin protein was injected. This usually happens more in people with a previous positive PPD test and mistakenly end up having the test again. This reaction to tuberculin protein will rarely occur in people without any history of prior PPD exposure.

PPD tests are usually for pre-employment purposes and are not covered by health insurance plans. Statcare charges $40 for performing the PPD skin test for TB as well as reading the TB test results ($40 covers the two visits). We accept cash and credit card payments.

Yes, Statcare’s USCIS-certifiedcivil surgeonsperformimmigration medical exam (Form I-693). We do pre-employmentPPD’s and much more. Learn more about ourimmigration medical exams and Green Card physicals.

Statcare is a one-stop facility forPPD’s and Chest X-Rays in Astoria, NY and Hicksville, Long Island. We also have locations in the Bronx and Brooklyn. Tuberculosis screeningis a 2-3-day affair and involves 2 visits, which means you can’t just get it done close to a weekend if your doctor’s office will be closed that weekend.

However, Statcare offersthe most conveniencein Long Island and Astoria, NYC when it comes toPPD’sbecause:

  • You don’t need an appointment. Just walk in! Get thePPD done whenever it is convenient for you.
  • You can return in 48-72 hours at a time convenient to you and have it read – all 7 days a week.
  • Statcare is open every day, even on holidays. 7 days a week.
  • Statcare is open all evenings. This makes it very convenient for you to come to our urgent care after work.
  • Statcare has an X-Ray machine on site. Need to get a Chest X-Ray? No problem! We can do it right away. All our X-rays are read by a radiologist. No trips to an X-Ray facility for aChest X-ray. No appointments either!
  • Better still, we even complete your forms at the time of the reading of the tuberculin test and give it to you before you leave!

Any wonder why healthcare professionals (nurses, nursing aides, home attendants) from Nassau, Suffolk, and Queens come to us all year-round for their annualTB test? Statcare providers areUS Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)-certified civil surgeons for immigration physicals in Astoria, NYC and Long Island.

Statcare does PPD tests all 7 days a week. Statcare is open even on holidays. You can walk in and get the PPD test done and return in 2 days for a PPD check. When you return in 48 hours, your forearm will be examined and your form can be completed on the spot. At Statcare, you never have to wait!

Testing for TB can have unplanned consequences. If you had the PPD done elsewhere but your doctor’s office is now closed for the weekend or holiday and you need to have the PPD read today to avoid repeat testing, then you can surely come to Statcare.

We not only do PPD tests all 7 days a week; we also read the PPD Tests for TB all 7 days a week. And we are open till 8 PM on weekdays and 5 PM on weekends so you never have to rush from work!

However, if you had the PPD testing done elsewhere and just need to have it read by us, you will still need to register as a patient and a medical chart still needs to be created for you.

If you have prior records of a recent PPD test and merely want it transcribed, attested, or updated, Statcare providers will complete this as well for you at the time of your visit. Statcare does PPD testing for employees of the NYC Office of Children and Family Services (day care and child care), NYC employees of the Housing Authority and the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Statcare can fill out your forms at the same visit as well or provide you with a standard PPD testing form to give to your employer.

If you have no prior history of the test or have had a negative PPD readingpreviously, then Statcare’s medical professionals will inject the tuberculin protein into your forearm skin at the first visit. Once the PPD is administered you will need to return in 48-72 hours for a follow-up visit.

At the second PPD visit, the tuberculin test reaction will be read. When you come back to us, let the front desk staff know why you are here and you will be fast tracked into a room. Your PPD will be recorded right away, and you can get done in the shortest possible time.

If you have a PPD form or a physical exam form that needs to be filled out, please bring it with you. Statcare providers will fill out your forms once the PPD has been read (second PPD visit).

If you need a chest X-ray for a positive PPD reading, Statcare has X-ray on site at each location. End-to-end PPD testing convenience at one location!

An abnormal or a positive PPD reading only means you have been exposed to the bacteria that cause TB. It does not mean you have disease. You may need further investigation with a chest X-ray to identify if there is any evidence of active disease in the lungs.

After that, treatment may be given to lower your risk of eventually getting TB (reactivation of the disease). A positive skin test for tuberculin does not mean that you have active tuberculosis disease. It only shows that you were exposed to the bacteria that cause TB. More tests need to be done to identify if there is active TB disease.

If you have a newlypositive PPD, you will need a chest X-ray. Not to worry, we can do the chest X-ray right away and have it read by a radiologist as well.

Statcare does morePPD teststhan most other medical offices and all our providers understand the various cutoffs for apositive PPD.

A 5-mm induration is considered to bepositive PPD testresult for:

  • Persons with HIV infection
  • Recent contacts of persons with active TB disease
  • Persons with evidence of old, healed TB lesions on chest X-rays
  • Persons with organ transplants and other immunosuppressed persons, including those receiving prolonged corticosteroid therapy (the equivalent of >15 mg/d of prednisone for one month or more) and TNF-a blockers

A 10-mm induration is considered to bepositive PPD testresult for:

  • Persons who have immigrated within the past 5 years from areas with high TB rates*
  • Injection drug users
  • Persons who live or work in institutional settings where exposure to TB may be likely, such as hospitals, prisons, homeless shelters, SROs, and nursing homes
  • Mycobacteriology laboratory personnel
  • Persons with clinical conditions associated with increased risk of progression to active TB, including: silicosis; chronic renal failure; diabetes; more than 10% below ideal weight or BMI < 18.5; gastrectomy/jejunoileal bypass; some hematologic disorders (such as leukemia and lymphomas); and certain cancers (such as carcinoma of the head, neck, or lung, leukemias, and lymphomas)
  • Children < 5 years, and children or adolescents exposed to adults in high-risk categories
  • Persons with prolonged stay in areas with high TB rates*

A 15-mm induration is considered to be positive PPD test result for:

  • Persons at low risk for active TB disease for whom testing is not generally indicated

* Countries with high rates of TB include China, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, South Korea, and all of Africa.

You must alert your provider regarding a prior positive PPD result because you may not need any repeat PPD testing for TB and may qualify for a waiver. You will still need to be seen at Statcare, as we cannot determine this over the phone.

If you have ever had a positive PPD skin test and/or have a chest X-ray report, please bring it with you. Our front desk staff cannot answer your medical questions. Save them for the provider when you come for the visit.

Yes. As discussed earlier, a PPD test can have different cutoffs based on size and be read as a positive PPD reading or a negative PPD reading. This is why going to the right place can make all the difference.

A positive PPD reading or a negative PPD reading depends on your medical condition, age, risk factors, and also the reason the PPD test was done. For example, USCIS has a different cutoff for immigration purposes. NYC Department of Health has its own guidelines for NYC as tuberculosis is more common in NYC.

You can review the CDC publishes for PPD reading based on the medical diagnosis, age, and other risk factors.

A 2-step PPD is when two PPD tests are done sequentially with a gap of 7-10 days between the first and second PPD. A PPD test is not a perfect screening test for TB and in about 20% of patients it can be falsely negative. This means there is a chance that the person has been exposed to TB but the PPD testing did not pick it up.

A 2-step PPD skin test improves the detection of exposure to tuberculosis with more accuracy. A 2-step PPD has a false negative rate of about 5%. Usually, all healthcare facilities and nursing homes require a 2-step PPD test. However, if your employer does not require a 2-step PPD, there is no reason to do a two-step PPD test.

The NYS DOH guidelines state:

“When the TST (tuberculin skin test) is used, two-step PPD testing is recommended as a baseline for newly hired employees. For two-step PPD testing, persons whose initial TST result is negative are given a second TST, administered 1-3 weeks after the first TST was placed.

The two-step test is needed at baseline because in some persons with latent TB infection, the reaction to a TST wanes over time. The initial TST may ‘boost’ responses to a subsequent test. In the absence of a known exposure, a positive reaction to the second step of a two-step TST is considered to be due to boosting as opposed to recent infection with M. tuberculosis.

A second TST is not needed if an employee has had a documented, negative TST during the previous 12 months. If an IGRA test is used for screening, there is no need to perform a two-step baseline. The TST reading(s) and/or the IGRA laboratory report should be documented in the employee health record.”

A two-step PPD is read the same way as a 1-step PPD. The redness and the induration are measured and documented. There has to be a 7-10 day gap between the first and the second PPD of the 2 step PPD series.

Yes. You need a Chest X-Ray if any of the PPD turns positive. So, if your first PPD is read as a positive PPD, you don’t need to do the second PPD in the 2-step PPD series. Instead, you will need a Chest X-Ray for the positive PPD reading. Also, for healthcare workers and other non-immunocompromised patients, a negative PPD reading is any induration 10 mm or less. However, for Immigration Medical Exam purposes, any PPD more than 4 mm is considered to be a positive PPD reading. A lot of doctors fail to write the mm and the record just shows a positive PPD reading or a negative PPD reading – this is insufficient for Immigration Medical Exam paperwork.

There is a relatively new and expensive blood test calledIGRA, which has been available fortesting for TBand screening for exposure to tuberculosis for a few years now. Statcare can draw your blood and send it for theIGRA testonce you have pre-paid for the test. It is also called aQuantiferon Gold Test.

Tuberculosis screening may be done with any approved test to detectM. tuberculosisinfection, such as thetuberculin skin test(TST), or one of the whole blood interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) orQuantiferon Gold Test for TB

As per the CDC “IGRAs are used to determine if a person is infected withM. tuberculosisby measuring the immune response to tuberculosis proteins in whole blood. Specimens are mixed with peptides that simulate antigens derived fromM. tuberculosisand controls. In a person infected withM. tuberculosis, the white blood cells recognize the simulated antigens and release interferon-gamma (IFN- γ); results are based on the amount of IFN- γ released.”

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the followingIGRAs in the United States:

  • QuantiFERON®-TB Gold, 2005
  • QuantiFERON®-TB GoldIn-Tube test (QFT-GIT), 2005;
  • T-SPOT® TB test, 2008

SomeadvantagesofIGRAs include the following:

  • IGRArequires just one visit forTB testing.IGRAs are therefore the preferred method of testing for groups of people who have poor rates of return forTST readingand interpretation (e.g., homeless persons).
  • IGRAs do not cause booster phenomenon.
  • IGRAresults can be available earlier than 48 hours.
  • IGRAis unaffected by environmental mycobacteria.

SomelimitationsofIGRAs include the following:

  • The blood sample must be processed within 8-30 hours after collection.
  • Data is limited when used in children younger than 5 years of age, persons recently exposed to TB, immuno-compromised persons, and those who will be tested repeatedly (serial testing).

IGRAResult Interpretation

The interpretation ofIGRAs varies by type ofIGRAtest performed.

  • QFT testingis based on the amount of IFN-γ released.
  • T-SPOT TB testing depends on the number of cells that release IFN-γ.

Labs provide both the qualitative and quantitative IGRA results.

  • QualitativeIGRAresults are reported as positive, negative, indeterminate, or borderline.
  • QuantitativeIGRAresults are reported as numerical values that include a response to the TB antigen and 2 controls, nil and mitogen.

In countries where TB is common, BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guérin) vaccine is used to protect infants and young children from serious, life-threatening disease, specifically miliary TB and TB meningitis.

BCG vaccination is not given in the United States. The effect of BCG vaccine on tuberculin skin testing (PPD) results may cause confusion. It is thought that the tuberculin skin test reactivity caused by BCG vaccine gets reduced with the passage of time. However, periodic and repeated skin testing may boost the reactivity to PPD.

The CDC recommends that all PPD positive results be interpreted based on risk stratification regardless of BCG vaccination history.

A person with a history of BCG vaccination therefore can be tested and treated for latent TB if they test positive for a PPD.

IGRAs use M. tuberculosis antigens that do not cross-react with BCG, and therefore, do not cause false positive reactions in people who got BCG in their countries. However, IGRA is an expensive blood test and the data in repeatedly tested individuals is lacking. IGRA is therefore not routinely recommended as a testing modality to screen for TB.


PPD: Purified protein derivative standard

TST: Tuberculin skin test or a PPD test

PPD Test: TB skin test; tuberculin skin test; Mantoux test. Used to screen for TB or exposure to tuberculosis, a disease caused byMycobacterium tuberculosis

2-Step PPD: A two-step PPD is done to establish exposure to TB with a higher degree of certainty (often done in healthcare workers such as doctors, nurses, and home attendants who work in hospitals, labs, and nursing homes, etc.)

TB: Tuberculosis, a disease caused byMycobacterium tuberculosis

IGRA: Interferon-Gamma Release Assays

BCG: Bacillus Calmette–Guérin

QFT-GIT: QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test

$40 1 Step TB Skin Test PPD Test Near Me and 2 step TB Test For TB $80 (2024)


Does Walgreens do a 2 step TB test? ›

The test may be done at any local health department, primary care clinic, doctors office, CVS, Walgreens etc.

What is the difference between PPD and 2 step TB test? ›

Information on Two-Step TB Skin Test

The two-step test is NOT the usual PPD skin test in which you receive an injection of PPD and the test area is observed one time at specific time frame. The two-step PPD test is used to detect individuals with past TB infection who now have diminished skin test reactivity.

Do I need a one step or two-step TB test? ›

For people who may need to have routine TB screening because of their work or other risk factors, only the initial testing should be a two-step. Once a baseline is established, further TB skin testing should only require one-step.

How long does it take to complete a 2 step TB skin test? ›

It is done in a four appointment schedule: Visit 1: Place the first PPD Visit 2: 48-72 hours later, the PPD is read. Visit 3: 1-3 weeks after Visit 1, the second PPD is placed. Visit 4: 48-72 hours later, the PPD is read.

What is the 2 step TB test called? ›

The two-step tuberculin skin test (TST) is used to detect individuals with past tuberculosis (TB) infection who now have diminished skin test reactivity. This procedure will reduce the likelihood that a boosted reaction is later interpreted as a new infection.

What not to do after a TB test? ›

After the test, you should avoid using bandages, putting on lotion, or scratching the test area because it may affect the results. You can wash the area with water, but do not wipe or scrub. If the area itches, put an ice cube or cold cloth on it.

Which TB test is better? ›

Then you want a TB blood test! The TB blood test is more specific than a TB skin test (less likely to cause a false positive) and it requires only one visit, while a TB skin test may require several visits (four visits over a 10 to 21 day period for a two-step test).

Which TB test is the fastest? ›

A rapid sputum test can tell if a person has TB within 24 hours.

What are the alternatives to the two step TB test? ›

QuantiFERON (QFT) is an interferon-γ release assay (IGRA) that aids in the evaluation of tuberculosis (TB) infections (latent or active)1 and is recommended by the CDC as an alternative to the tuberculin skin test (TST) in certain situations. This modern alternative offers improved performance and quicker results.

What does a positive 1 step TB test look like? ›

Redness alone at the skin test site usually means you haven't been infected with TB bacteria. A firm red bump may mean you have been infected with TB bacteria at some time. The size of the firm bump (not the red area) is measured 2 to 3 days after the test to find out the result.

What does a positive TB test look like after 72 hours? ›

Within 48 to 72 hours, a positive TB skin test is marked by an area of reddish induration greater than 10 mm. It is the induration (firm bump) that is gently palpated that determines the size, not the area of redness. This reaction is slightly larger than the average positive test 17 mm in size.

What is a 1 step PPD? ›

The most common test for TB is the TB skin test (TST) using a substance called Purified Protein Derivative (PPD). A 1-step TST requires the individual to have the TST administered and read once. This requires two separate appointments, one for the administration and one for the read 48-72 hours later.

How much PPD to inject? ›

TST Basics

The TST is an intradermal injection of 0.1 ml of tuberculin (PPD) on the inner surface of the forearm. The skin test reaction should be read between 48 and 72 hours after administration.

Can I shower after a TB test? ›

A: You can take showers and baths as you normally do. Q: What do I do if my arm itches or blisters? A: Put an ice cube in a washcloth and place it on your arm. DO NOT SCRATCH!

How long does it take to get TB blood test results? ›

Once you have your second visit with your healthcare provider, they'll be able to tell you if your skin's reaction indicates that you may or may not have a TB infection. In most cases, you should get the results of your TB blood test within one to two days, though it could take longer.

Does Quest do TB tests? ›

There are 2 TB blood tests approved by the FDA. Quest is the only lab that offers both. Quest offers both the T-SPOT®. TB and the QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) blood tests—with results available from a single visit that can be reported directly to an EHR.

Does LabCorp do TB testing? ›

The Labcorp OnDemand QuantiFERON™ Tuberculosis Blood Test can help find out if you have ever been exposed to TB bacteria or if you need evidence of a negative TB test. Note: This screening test is not intended to be used to diagnose a latent TB infection or active TB disease.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.